Backrooms Escape 1

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Backrooms Escape 1

Backrooms Escape 1

Backrooms Escape 1

Backrooms Escape 1 is an exciting and challenging adventure game. Discover the secrets hidden inside each of these enchanted labyrinths. Get started right now! You are lost in a never-ending labyrinth of yellow, musty chambers that are accompanied by an overpowering cacophony of lights. It is imperative that you make an effort to survive and find your way out of this labyrinth. Take caution and be sure to thoroughly notice everything that is going on in your surroundings. Threats might materialize out of nowhere at any moment, and you should constantly be on the lookout for them. Are you up to the challenge that this hard journey presents?

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How To Play

  • Use the mouse/ touch on the screen to play
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